Friday, April 27, 2012

Time Box Values Tweaked

I made a change to the values listed in the Time Box option for filling in Next Inspection Times, etc. The old method wasn't sorting correctly in the report screens. I've switched it around so now the "AM" or "PM" bit comes first and got rid of the underscore for PM values. So now instead of "06:00 AM" it reads "AM 06:00" and instead of "_6:00 PM" it is "PM 06:00." Takes a little getting used to but it solves the issue with report sorting. This change won't effect any fields that already had a time value assigned, only your future selection options.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Initial Caps Global Change

In the Toolbox section of ZP SQL there is a tool called the SQL Field Case Converter which allows you select a field in a database and change all entries for that field to either upper case or lower case. "Not good enough," said a customer recently who wanted a way to change a field to initial case (also known as proper case). So we have added a third "Proper" option to the Case drop-down list which will perform this function.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Printing Contractors on Building Ticket

You can now include the first 5 contractors entered for Building permits when printing the "Building Ticket" report from the Inspection Reports Screen. The field values are "contractor1", "contractor2", etc. Note that if there are no contractors listed for a permit these field value result in a NULL value. You can use the function NVL() to eliminate the printing of the word "null" on your reports. So for example the field expression for the first contractor would be: NVL(contractor1,"").

Friday, April 13, 2012

Forcing Log In for Staff and Mobile Sites

To go along with the change to the Public web page I wrote about earlier today, I have configured a way that customers can force users to have to log in before they can use either the Staff or Mobile web pages. By default both of those pages can be used without logging in. That makes them quicker to access and use. But it also lets unregistered users see more information than they can by using the Public page. By not allowing unregistered users access to the Staff or Mobile pages the problem is solved. Again, just let me know if you want your Staff and Mobile pages set for password-only access.

Public Web Site Revision

I have had several requests to limit the information shown on the Public web site that each ZonePro SQL customer has. I have a new version available that hides all the notes, fees, phone numbers, and user fields. I also hid the Miscellaneous Fee section entirely. You can review how it looks by going to the demo version at If you want this version installed for your community just shoot me an e-mail