Friday, November 30, 2012

Windows 8 and ZonePro

Just got a new Windows 8 laptop in the office and loaded the ZonePro SLQ demo to the desktop and it runs fine. Windows 8 is a big adjustment to use in general though. Bear in mind I've only been on it a few hours but it quite different from Windows 7. I don't know how popular it will be in the work environment. To me it seems more geared toward the home consumer. Also keep in mind that right now there are two different versions of Windows 8. I tested the version for PCs and laptops. There is also a version called Windows 8 RT for tablets that I believe only supports apps and would not therefor support the Windows version of ZonePro. You could still access it via your web interface though just like with an Android or Apple tablet.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Building Inspection Solo Print Option

I recently had a customer ask me if there was a way to print the notes from just one Building Inspection Detail instead of always printing them all. The scenario he painted was wanting to hand a contractor the notes from the final inspection without having to include the pages of notes that belonged to the inspections that had come prior. The existing Print button could not handle this request so I added a second Print button on the Notes tab that only prints the currently selected Inspection Detail. The download is available now. I also posted a short Training Video on the topic.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Use Group Reporting Video

The State of Ohio requires building departments to supply subtotals by Use Group of all the building permits they issue. You can easily obtain this information from ZonePro by following a few simple steps to add the "Use Group" field to a report and also add a "Use Group" sorting option to your report screen. A new Training Video shows you how!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Report & Document Backup Option

Your data is stored on the cloud in ZonePro SQL but your documents and reports are stored locally. This means that they are vulnerable to loss if something should happen to your local system. But, since every ZP SQL customer already has an internet account, there is no reason why we can't backup a copy of the \REPORTS folder and store it in the cloud too. This new feature is now available off of the Installed Modules Screen in Maintenance. To avoid clutter I created a new screen that houses several extra installation functions including two new ones. One lets you zip up your \REPORTS folder and upload it to your internet account as backup. The second lets you retrieve the stored REPORTS.ZIP file and unzip on your local machine. These two functions are useful for keeping your files protected and also for pushing changes to the files to users outside the office. You can download the update now and also watch a Training Video on the topic on our web site.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Contact Merging Training Videos

I have recently posted new Training Videos that cover the Contact File merging options discussed in the previous two posts. Check them out.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Auto Merge Option for Contacts

When we install a customer's ZonePro SQL data we separate out all the owner names from the property data and then run a routine to automatically seek out duplicate names and consolidate those Contact File records. Because this process happens without any user intervention we use a very conservative matching method, only merging Contact records that have the same First Name, Last Name, Street Number, and Street Name fields. Now this same function is available within ZonePro itself. From the Contact File Upkeep section in Maintenance you can click on an "Auto Merge" button to get to a new screen that shows you how many records match the strict duplication standard and allows you to merge all of those records with a single click. This is not an option you will run very often but it makes very short work of the process. It is useful to check it anytime you have added a lot of new names to the Contact database, such as after using the Compare Module.

Better Contact Merging

In the Contact File Upkeep option in Maintenance, ZonePro now does a smarter job of merging duplicate Contact names. It now checks all of the fields to see if the record-to-be-deleted has any information that is missing from the record-to-keep and copies those fields over as part of the merge process. It also appends any Notes information from the record-to-be-deleted to the record-to-keep. A new "Browse" button makes it easier to see all of the information available in the duplicate records so that you can make better decisions about which record should be the record-to-keep. The old, simpler, method of merging duplicate records that does not retain any extra information from the records-to-be-deleted is still available by right-clicking on the "Merge Names" button.

Photo Scrpt Training Video

Yesterday I posted a new Training Video to our web site that shows how you can easily create a directory of folders for storing photos and documents by street address. Then you can use a script to automatically open the correct folder from any Property Screen record to look through the contents for that address. This technique does not require the use of the Photo Module; it uses ZonePro's scripting feature instead. It is the fastest way to organize and store large amounts of files by address, while still providing a way to access those files from within ZonePro.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Staff Web Site Time Out Issues

For some time I have been trying to resolve an issue on the Staff web site where the site sends users to the Error page if they sit idle for too long. This usually happens with customers using the site in the field for inspections. I have just published updated versions of the Staff site for all customers that hopefully will resolve this issue. It is difficult to test, however, since you must sit idle on a page for a long time to duplicate the problem. If anyone is still experiencing this problem, please let me know what page you were on during the idle time so I can track it down.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

On-line Permit Applications

I just posted a new demo version of ZP SQL on our web site. This demo has a beta version of the new Online Options Module installed that has the "Permit Applications" button enabled. This button works in conjunction with the "Application Request" web site we posted recently on our ZP SQL Web Options Demo Site. Together these two items allow to accept and process permit requests that are generated on the web. The public would use the "Application Request" web site to locate their property address and request a new zoning or building permit. After which the "Permit Applications" section in ZP SQL allows you to review the application and have it automatically inserted into your ZonePro databases. Both sides of the process are just a rough draft but it does show how the process could work from start to finish.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Photo Upload Progress

I just published an update to the Photo Module that has a new method of uploading JPG and PDF files to your internet account. Now when you save an item to the web you'll see a progress report showing the number of bytes sent out of the total in a small message box in the upper right of the screen. If the upload stalls or takes too long, you can type in to abort the upload. This new method should handle larger files better but I still don't recommend uploading anything over 2 MB.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sorting Option for Building Maintenance Screens

The Building Inspection Maintenance Screen and the Building Fee Detail Maintenance Screen now both have a Sort button in them. This means you no longer have to worry about the order in which you enter these list items in the maintenance screens. You can rearrange the list at any time. The order that you choose is then carried forward when you start a new Building permit and the Inspection Details and Fee Details are populated for that record. There has always been a sort option in the permit Inspection Details and Fee Details screens and the new maintenance option uses the same Sort Screen to do it's thing.

Property Screen Efficiency

I wrote earlier in the summer about trying to squeeze more speed out of ZonePro. To that end I have published some updates that make numerous small coding changes. Most of the changes involve taking code out of the main ZonePro program and app files and putting that code in the SQL database instead. This means you can make more efficient SQL calls and the SQL database can be more efficient in producing results. In this pass I made changes to the way the Property Street search function operates, and the way the Application counts at the bottom of the screen are called. Typically the kind of speed increases for changes like this are measured in milliseconds rather than seconds, but every little bit helps.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Formula Messagebox Function Training Video

I had written about this function before in the Tutorials section but since I did the Inputbox() video it only seemed fair to do one for the Messagebox() function. The Messagebox() function is another way to prompt a user for input in the midst of calculating a permit formula. It is best used for Yes or No prompts. The training video shows how that works.

Formula Training Video on INPUTBOX() Function

I added a new training video to the web site this morning that shows how to use the INPUTBOX() function in a formula if you have a calculation that requires additional input from the user. I was helping a customer set up some fees and they had an oddball permit that required information they don't normally store in the database so I showed them how you could use a special function to prompt for that information inside the formula itself.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Big Help File Update

I just put a lot of effort into adding more information in the Help file for users who want to customize their documents. It is now much easier to find out field name information for adding new fields to documents. Most of the field description screens in the Help file now also include the internal field names so that you know what you need to type into the Report Expression dialog. All of the Document Screen help sections how include extra information about the specific databases that are open and available for inclusion in custom documents. Let me know if you see other areas where I need to flesh out the Help files.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Bulk Processing Owner Discrepancies in Compare

The Compare Module has a feature that reads in a new property data set and looks for discrepancies between the owner information listed in that file and the owner information already in your ZonePro system. I have long maintained that you should manually review these discrepancies to see if the new info is really better than the information you already have. My customers, however, have always preferred to save time by just accepting whatever changes there are. So I have added a button back into the ZP SQL Compare Module that lets users auto update any owner discrepancies found. The old Owner record is retained in these situations but its relationship is changed to "Ex-Owner." The new info is inserted with an "Owner" relationship.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Fire Inspection Count

Just added a new field to the Fire Inspection Screen to keep track of the number of inspections. The Inspection Count field fills a need if you wish to use the same record to keep track of re-inspections after the initial inspection has failed. This way you can reuse the Last Inspection and Next Inspection fields while still keeping track of the total number of inspections involved.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Speed Feedback Needed

I am trying some experiments with database sorts in ZP SQL to see if I can improve the speed with which it can retrieve data. I need to know where existing customers are experiencing delays when using ZP SQL. Please send me your feedback. I need very specific information including the screen you are on, and the specific task you are trying. For example, if you notice long lags using the Locate Screen, I need to know whether it is on a street name search or a parcel search, etc. I want to recreate the lags here at my office so I can get a feel for whether a new database sort can help.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

PDF Shortcut in Output Options

I find that I am printing to PDF files more and more these days. I like it for two reasons. One it is easy to send as an attachment to an e-mail. And two it is easy to archive and retrieve without me having to stuff a paper document in my file cabinet. ZonePro SQL users have always had to option to print documents or reports to PDF files but it was hidden away in the Toolbox Option and seldom used. I've made it a lot easier to print to PDF files now though by adding a "To PDF" option to the Output drop-down box on every document screen and report screen in ZP SQL. Using this option automatically creates a PDF file in the \EXPORT folder and displays the new file on the screen. You can rename the document or save it to a new location right from that screen. There are other ways to get a PDF in ZP SQL but this is now the quickest and easiest. The updates are available for downloading.

Monday, May 7, 2012

New Conversion Document for ZP 32 Customers

I just posted a new document on the Tutorials page of our web site called "Converting From ZP 32 to ZP SQL." This document is designed to help explain some of the issues existing ZP 32 customers should be aware of when switching to ZP SQL.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Time Box Values Tweaked

I made a change to the values listed in the Time Box option for filling in Next Inspection Times, etc. The old method wasn't sorting correctly in the report screens. I've switched it around so now the "AM" or "PM" bit comes first and got rid of the underscore for PM values. So now instead of "06:00 AM" it reads "AM 06:00" and instead of "_6:00 PM" it is "PM 06:00." Takes a little getting used to but it solves the issue with report sorting. This change won't effect any fields that already had a time value assigned, only your future selection options.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Initial Caps Global Change

In the Toolbox section of ZP SQL there is a tool called the SQL Field Case Converter which allows you select a field in a database and change all entries for that field to either upper case or lower case. "Not good enough," said a customer recently who wanted a way to change a field to initial case (also known as proper case). So we have added a third "Proper" option to the Case drop-down list which will perform this function.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Printing Contractors on Building Ticket

You can now include the first 5 contractors entered for Building permits when printing the "Building Ticket" report from the Inspection Reports Screen. The field values are "contractor1", "contractor2", etc. Note that if there are no contractors listed for a permit these field value result in a NULL value. You can use the function NVL() to eliminate the printing of the word "null" on your reports. So for example the field expression for the first contractor would be: NVL(contractor1,"").

Friday, April 13, 2012

Forcing Log In for Staff and Mobile Sites

To go along with the change to the Public web page I wrote about earlier today, I have configured a way that customers can force users to have to log in before they can use either the Staff or Mobile web pages. By default both of those pages can be used without logging in. That makes them quicker to access and use. But it also lets unregistered users see more information than they can by using the Public page. By not allowing unregistered users access to the Staff or Mobile pages the problem is solved. Again, just let me know if you want your Staff and Mobile pages set for password-only access.

Public Web Site Revision

I have had several requests to limit the information shown on the Public web site that each ZonePro SQL customer has. I have a new version available that hides all the notes, fees, phone numbers, and user fields. I also hid the Miscellaneous Fee section entirely. You can review how it looks by going to the demo version at If you want this version installed for your community just shoot me an e-mail

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mobile Web Site Improvements

I swear that working with my smart phone is leading to the demise of my eyesight. I just finished some revamping of the Mobile web site for ZP SQL that makes it much easier to read and work with on my phone... and hopefully on yours as well. Because mobile units (by which I mean phones and tablets) come in so many shapes and sizes it is hard to tell how well the pages will look on ever device. The latest version has been updated for all existing customers so give it a try.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Apple Blocks Uploads

A customer pointed out to me that she could not upload Cover picture photos in the Staff web site from her iPhone. I researched the issue and learned that Apple blocks that kind of upload ability from any web site on their iPhone and iPad platforms. They simply do not allow access to the device's file structure via web sites. That means that the Cover picture upload option and the Photo database upload option won't work on Apple devices.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Community Link Option Added to Web Sites

I've added a new page to the Staff and Public ZP SQL web sites that can be customized for each customer to list links to other web sites. It is launched from a "Community Links" button so the idea is that customers can use this page to list links to their main community web site. I have added the page with that link (and a county link if relevant) to all current ZP SQL customers. Please review your ZP SQL web site and make sure you approve of the current links. If you have other links you wish to add to this page just e-mail me a list of the web addresses.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Typo In Building Documents

This morning I discovered a typo in the standard documents that come with the Building Module. The documents affected are the Inspection Details, Fee Details, and Screen Print documents. Each of these documents has a Contractor field and the field expression references the "contdetails" database. The problem is it is not plural and should be listed without the "s" as simply "contdetail". The typo occurs twice in the field expression and is easily corrected by opening the document via the Document Editor and removing the offending "s". Since their are five building databases this typo is present in 15 documents. The documents will print without correcting the error but will not correctly list a contractor's name. If you do not wish to correct the documents yourself you can download the batch of 15 from the Downloads page of our web site.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

E-Mail Names Option

I recently had a customer lament that there was not a great way to attach stored E-mail addresses to the Send To option in the ZonePro SMTP E-Mail Screen. We have fields for E-mail addresses in both the Contact File and Contractor databases but there is no easy way to access any E-mail address at any time. So I added a right-click option to the View More Recipients button in the SMTP E-Mail Screen that launches a new E-Mail Names Screen. This screen shows all of the E-mail addresses stored in either the Contact File database or the Contractor database. It gives you an easy way to search through them and select the one you wish to mail to. You can also easily compile a list of multiple recipients via this screen. I just posted a Training Video that demonstrates how it all works. The update is available for immediate download.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Extra Contractors in Zoning

We recently had a customer request a better way to track multiple contractors in the Zoning Screen. So now if you want to want to track more than just one contractor per Zoning permit, you can click on the Extra Contractors button which brings up a new screen that lets you add an unlimited number of secondary contractors to a permit. If you also have the Contractor Module installed you can use the Contractor Link option for the extra contractors which makes it easy to later report on the activity of any given contractor. The Zoning Document screen now has a new check box that reads "Include Extra Contractors." Clicking on this box makes the database housing the extra contractor names available for inclusion in any document. Including the extra contractors requires special formatting of the fields pulled from the Zoning database as well as a group section to print the extra contractor names. I'll post an example of such a document on the Downloads page of our main web site.

Advanced Filter Delete Option

The Advanced Filter screen can be accessed from just about every report screen. It allows users to create custom reporting criteria. It has always had the option for users to save their favorite filters for easy re-use in the future. Previously, however, there was no way to delete obsolete saved filters. A new "Delete Filter" button resolves that issue. It works pretty much as you would expect. You load a saved filter for review and if you no longer have a need for it click on the "Delete Filter" button to delete it. Because the Advanced Filter screen is used by so many applications, I had to decide how to handle the security level needed to allow deletes. I settled on using the Property security access level to determine whether a user has permission to delete advanced filters. So in order to use this new feature you must have a Property security level of 1.