Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Typo In Building Documents

This morning I discovered a typo in the standard documents that come with the Building Module. The documents affected are the Inspection Details, Fee Details, and Screen Print documents. Each of these documents has a Contractor field and the field expression references the "contdetails" database. The problem is it is not plural and should be listed without the "s" as simply "contdetail". The typo occurs twice in the field expression and is easily corrected by opening the document via the Document Editor and removing the offending "s". Since their are five building databases this typo is present in 15 documents. The documents will print without correcting the error but will not correctly list a contractor's name. If you do not wish to correct the documents yourself you can download the batch of 15 from the Downloads page of our web site.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

E-Mail Names Option

I recently had a customer lament that there was not a great way to attach stored E-mail addresses to the Send To option in the ZonePro SMTP E-Mail Screen. We have fields for E-mail addresses in both the Contact File and Contractor databases but there is no easy way to access any E-mail address at any time. So I added a right-click option to the View More Recipients button in the SMTP E-Mail Screen that launches a new E-Mail Names Screen. This screen shows all of the E-mail addresses stored in either the Contact File database or the Contractor database. It gives you an easy way to search through them and select the one you wish to mail to. You can also easily compile a list of multiple recipients via this screen. I just posted a Training Video that demonstrates how it all works. The update is available for immediate download.